Technology advice, practical solutions and real results.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Clean your Computer Regularly to Maximize its Lifespan

Cleaning your computer, monitor, and accessories makes them look nice and helps them last longer. Clogged fans and vents restrain the flow of air that is needed to keep your hardware in its thermal “happy place.” Too much heat can harm hardware components, so it is essential that fans are kept clean. Plus, the harder fans have to work to move air, the more noise they tend to make. Here are some tips to keep your system quiet, clean, and cool.

DO NOT USE A VACUUM CLEANER! Have you ever noticed how static-y the extension hose on your vacuum cleaner gets after you use it? Static electricity and electrical components do not mix. No matter how tempting it may be to vacuum the dust off of a clogged vent, resist! Keep reading for the proper method.

Keep the area around your computer clean. The dust that settles into the carpet or onto the floor around your machine tends to get sucked in by cooling fans. Keep the surface where your computer sits as dust-free as possible. Ideally, don’t keep your machine on the floor at all. Set it up on top of your desk or on another piece of furniture to keep it above any dust bunnies on the ground.

Dust the exterior of your hardware. Use a soft, lint-free cloth. Don’t use a feather duster or liquid cleaning sprays. Fibers from the feathers could end up inside your machine, and liquids should never be near electrical equipment!

Don’t neglect the interiors. Make sure you have a can or two of compressed air, which you can get from your local office supply store. If you have a desktop system, look over the user manual for instructions about how to remove the side panel. Once it’s off, take your computer outside and use the can of compressed air to blast away dust or other gunk from the interior compartment. Occasionally touch the power supply, or other metal parts of the chassis, with your fingers to prevent any buildup of static electricity.
If this is the first time you’ve opened the box, chances are you’ll be shocked by the amount of debris in there. Air cans are perfect for this task because they allow you to clean the interior components without having to touch them. You should do this about every six months. Laptops are trickier to clean, so if you aren’t comfortable opening up the case, take it to a technician for cleaning.

Compressed air is also great for cleaning a keyboard. Invert the keyboard and spray a few bursts of air into the keys at an angle.

Choose the right cleaning product for the right screen. Unfortunately, an all-purpose cleaning product that works on all types of displays and monitors doesn’t exist. CRTs require different needs than flat-panels, and matte screens require different needs than glossy screens. Look at the product manual or the manufacturer’s website for information about which type of cleaner your screen needs.

Don’t forget about your router. Just about all of the tips on this list will benefit your router as well. Don’t overlook your router when you’re cleaning your computer. Your router’s operational lifespan will be maximized if you make sure it remains dust-free and has unobstructed airflow.

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