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Friday, August 27, 2010

Malware Spread Through USB Devices

25% of all new worms are designed to spread through the portable storage devices.
A security company reports that a USB drive was used to compromise U.S. military networks in 2008.

While a quarter of all 2010's worms rely on USB devices to spread to other PCs, a recent Panda Security survey of more than 10,000 small- and medium-sized firms found that 27% of those victimized by a malware infection in the last year reported that the attack had originated with infected USB hardware, primarily flash drives.
Other devices that connect to PCs via USB, including smartphones, cameras and music players, also are a threat, added Corrons. "All these devices have memory cards or internal memories and therefore it is very easy for your cell phone, say, to be carrying a virus without your knowledge."

The USB infection vector isn't new. Two years ago, the 'Conficker worm' made headlines worldwide after it spread using flash drives, among other avenues.

Read this FULL article on Computerworld for more details.

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