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Monday, May 16, 2011

NACHA Scam Makes its Rounds Via E-mail

NACHA is a non-profit financial organization that oversees an electronic payment system called Automated Clearing House (ACH) Network. However, they do not process ACH transactions, and will not send you notifications of any problems with them.

The email scam is an ACH transfer rejection notice that directs you to open up and download an attachment referring to your account which is actually a virus.

It has been confirmed by NACHA that these scams are indeed fradulent e-mails and they advise you NOT to open up any files or documents attached to these notices. Here is an image of the e-mail so you are aware of what it may look like:

Please beware of e-mail scams such as these. Never open up any attachments from email addresses that you don't know. It is better to be cautious about this subject matter because they may contain malware that can compromise your computer system.


  1. Please tell us the effect, if any, clicking on the fake '.pdf.exe' has for a Macintosh user. If there is a bad side for Mac users, what action do you recommend? Can it cause damage or compromise private information? Is it harmless to the Mac host? Can a Macintosh user inadvertently act as a conduit to PC users?

  2. Look in your ~/Downloads folder (that is the Downloads folder in your Home Directory) and delete the pdf.exe file IF you clicked on it. As the file itself is a Windows executable file and not a Mac .app file it should do NO HARM to your Mac. However if you are using a DUAL OS System Mac/Windows this may not be the case. In the future IF you don't know the person/company who sent you the e-mail or have any second thoughts about the subject or contents... dump it... no questions asked.
